If you’re looking for continuing education opportunities, answers to questions, or simple guidance, the VAX Vacation Access campus is the right place. It is full of skill-building guides, video tutorials, access to virtual learning events, and so much more. It’s time to level up and explore your potential.
Get ALGVPro certified today! Click the link below to become an ALGVPro graduate and enjoy benefits and incentives, including:
1. Earn up to 5 continuing education unit (CEU) credits from The Travel Institute
2. Obtain special marketing materials to proclaim your new Pro status proudly
3. As part of ALGV's Discounted Agent Vacation program, enjoy a one-time reduced-rate air seat on any ENVF booked 30 - 60 days before departure at the 30 to 0-day fare.
4. Access quarterly giveaways of hotel stays, ENVF seats, or United Airlines® tickets.