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BNT Travel Group
Jan 24, 2019
The Importance of Finding Your Perfect Host Travel Agency
Just like looking for a cozy daycare center for a shy toddler, a competitive college for a type A student, or a job environment centered...
BNT Travel Group
Dec 11, 2018
Thinking of Leaving the Travel Business? Think Again!
What do the Olympics, job interviews, and the travel business have in common? At first glance, not much. However, through a more...
BNT Travel Group
Dec 26, 2017
The Keys to Being a Successful Travel Agent
Perfect your elevator pitch An elevator pitch is a 45-60 second speech that effectively summarizes the key aspects of an individual or...
BNT Travel Group
Feb 23, 2017
Palafitos-Overwater Bungalows in Mexico
High-style bungalows surrounded by the awe-inspiring turquoise waters of the Maroma Beach. Created to guarantee a truly different beach...
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